Welcome to the University Painters Resources Page
This webpage and enlcosed information is only for University Painters internal use only.
It is designed to give you information as well as access to reporting services.
Online Forms:

Sales Rep. Weekly Sales & Progress Report

Picasa Photo Gallery


Link to the Direct Mail Ordering System from the DM Group

The Jablon Group Store for purchasing Proposals and other items

Creative Works Ordering Form for University Painters Crew T-Shirts

Cusick Marketing - UP Store / Cusick Marketing Direct Mail

Jablon Group Recruiting Web Site - One of these can be built for each of you.

VDL Enterprises (Gregg Landis) Recruiting Web Site

Jablon Marketing, Inc. Site - Under Development

Lands End Business Outfitters - UP Account # 1040501 order your own clothing

L.L. Bean Direct to Business - Embroidery Design on File #39722 Customer #9538052102

Shared File Server - Password Required